How to Deal With Being Mistreated by Boys
Remember that it's not about you. Most of the time, people mistreat others because of their own insecurities. Just understand that how others treat and perceive you does not define you as a person.
- Step 2
Talk to this boy individually about why he is mistreating you. It may be that he is just trying to act tough in front of his friends, and when you are alone, he may be honest with you. Don't do this if you have any fear for your physical well-being around this person.
- Step 3
Speak to your friends about this person and the situation. It may be that this boy treats everyone like this and it is a personality problem. In addition, friends can give you perspective about the situation and make you feel better about yourself.
- Step 4
Avoid this boy if at all possible. Sometimes there are people you just cannot get along with, and therefore avoiding them is the best course of action.
- Step 5
Contact someone of authority and tell about this boy's behavior. There may not be a way to avoid the boy in a public setting such as school or work. Be aware that this action can make the situation worse and not better if the boy reacts negatively to the authority figure.
- Step 6
Get a restraining order against this boy. Obviously, this is a last-ditch attempt, but if you ever fear for your safety around this boy, and he will not leave you alone, a restraining order filed with the police may be the only option.